Cyclical village

Over the past seven years, this valley has served as a  laboratory, where we have embarked on a journey of exploration, delving into the realms of healing and regeneration practices and knowledge. We have experienced moments of profound teaching, humbling failures, unsettling uncertainty, and awe-inspiring magic. Our process has been centered around un-framing and re-framing our perceptions and believes about what it means to be a human.

As the unmistakable signs of social, ecological, and economic collapse have become increasingly apparent for over half a century, the veil of denial is gradually lifting.

In this pivotal moment of transition, we recognize the need for meaningful and necessary action. We are here to lay down solid foundations for growth and transformation, both within ourselves and for the broader network of activists around us. This entails:

  • Transitioning the land from ownership to stewardship.
  • Shaping the organizations that promote interdependency 
  • Aligning our bodies and gifts with values through daily practice. 
  • Honoring the natural cycles and their wisdom
  • Creating sanctuaries as incubators for the new emerging culture 

Explore how!


Cyclical living
A healthy culture is a cyclical cultivation of inner, social & ecological soil. We are here to realign with nature by honouring the cycles in our body, our environment and our inner journey.
Land stewardship
By merging technology like blockchain and NFTs with formal structures like land trusts, cooperatives, we can ensure sustainable land stewardship and reintegrate regenerative values into circular economies.
Embodied intimacy
The bridge between intentions and actions is embodiment. Cultivating awareness in our nervous system and the wisdom of our body expands our capacity to be intimate powerful and response-able humans.
We strive to unleash our fullest potential , empowering ourselves and others to be catalysts for positive change in the world.
Community of practice
We are here to wholeheartedly learn to embrace the beauty and intensity of the human experience, actively unlearning the habit of numbness and bypassing
Land Regeneration
We regenerate the land in order to restore and build up soil, produce food and heal the ecosystem as a way to reconnect with our own nature and our place in the web of life

Regenerative sanctuaries are places where we un-frame and reframe how we cooperate with nature and how we can be direct shaper of the organisation and social life in witch we are growing in.

The challenges we face in today’s world stem from humanity’s inclination to centralise, privatise, and monopolise. To achieve a global ecological and social balance, it is crucial that we decentralize responsibility, leadership, and resources at both the local and global levels. To accomplish this, we are here re-learning to value cooperation and interdependency, which nature exemplifies, rather than clinging to the illusion of independence.

Cooperation happens from top-down and bottom-up intentional and vulnerable acts of empowerment. Drawing inspiration from nature’s mushroom and root systems, we require organizations capable of mobilizing surpluses to stabilize ecosystems, foster interconnections, and promote fertile soil for growth. Our interdependence with nature offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration as we learn to collaborate with it, rather than working against it. We can gauge the impact and sustainability of our actions and lifestyles by multiplying them for the number of people within our local network.

Land access
Refinancing of the land purchase to take the land out of the market 70%
Solidarity & gift economy
Sharing surpluses to rise collective status & social stability 80%
Ecological Vegetables production and soil building 60%
Containing and planting rain water and close internal water cycles 95%
Production of Solar energy 80%

DAO hub

This land of 9 hectares is a purpose-built space that has been designed to provide an environment for regenerative education and gatherings. While the infrastructure is currently basic, we have plans to develop it further this year to enhance the experience for our guests. We already have a circus tent of 200 square meters available for meetings, teachings, workshops, connecting, and socialising. We offer areas for volunteering, events, and workshops, as well as a unique agroforestry syntropic landscape and water retention area that aligns with our commitment to sustainable food production and ecological regeneration.

Co-living Hub (education / retreat center)

This land of 10 hectares is a welcoming space for those interested in cyclical co-living experiences with a focus on practices and attunements that align with the seasons of the year and communal living. We provide stable infrastructure including a coworking space, fast internet, and single/double rooms with access to three kitchens and living areas for socializing. Our cyclical program includes regular practices, and sociocratic improvement circles and more to deepen our connection with ourselves and each other. We also regularly host workshops for inner work and practices in gardening and building, further enhancing our connection to the environment and community.