There are no passanger on planet earth, only crew!
Cyclical blue print

The "conscious movement" that took root 50 years ago is now at a pivotal moment. It has become a saturated,  commodified market niche and trend. The new culture that we seek to cultivate cannot thrive in the soil of transactional capitalism. The profound knowledge and experiences that this movement offers require more sustainable and coherent soils to take root and flourish. 

Nature stands as a remarkable exemplar, showcasing principles that diverge from the organizational systems that shape our modern world. To truly achieve ecological and social well-being, we must shift our focus away from independence, status, and privilege, and instead embrace interdependence, leadership, and authenticity.

What social and organisational structures can empower us to fully experience, embody, and revel in the beauty of authentic co-creation and social resilience?

What support systems are in place that can cultivate the individual and collective capacity to undergo the profound transformations necessary to catalyze a shift in our culture?

We are actively engaged in the process of giving form to the organisational geometry of the village, that aligns our inner and external world and our individual and collective path.

We are merging Spiral dynamics, sociocracy, gift economy, conscious relating, somatic work and trauma informed models with syntropic agriculture and water retention designs and technologies like blockchain systems and DAO’s into a blueprint for the future.


We are looking at what are formal, social and collaborative structures and tools that we need to navigate the cyclical journey into regeneration and social, political innovation.

Soon we will provide a in depth documentation for the formal structure of the project

holds the values, principles, and purpose of the community, safeguarding the land from personal interests and the market place.

organizes the stewardship of the land and the foundational formal operations for hosting, education, food production, and the provision of services during the year.

cultivates the social and technological blueprint of a micro society where collective creation, support and education, finds expression  through a cyclical  decentralised structure of responsibility and power.

Cyclical Village DAO is an invitation-based Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that fosters land regeneration, personal and collective inner growth, social resilience and support, and holistic education. Operating with its own native currency, the DAO aims to bring land into a land trust, fostering education, celebration, and the creation of a sustainable village and base for the network. The organization’s structure is rooted in a unique trust-building model, creating a strong network of interconnected relationships.

Invitation-Based Trust Building:

Cyclical Village DAO operates on an invitation-based model, ensuring that participants are intentionally selected based on their alignment with the DAO’s vision and the quality of relationships between its members. Through this approach, the DAO cultivates social resilience and reflects a vision of a society based on mutual support and decentralised power and responsibility.

Trust Connection Network:

The DAO’s network is structured around a fractal model of trust connections. Each participant within the DAO maintains and invites at least three committed relationships with others, forming a web of mutual support and trust. This network fosters a social web of support that can remain active throughout the year and become a mutual counseling system for individual and group development.

Native Currency and Economic System:

Cyclical Village DAO operates with its own native currency, which serves as a medium for financing the festival and freeing the land from private ownership. The DAO’s economic system is designed to promote fairness, inclusivity, and accessibility. Participants contribute to the DAO through a sliding scale investment between 3000 and 9000 euros per person based on factors such as income, access to financial resources, generosity, and nationality. This approach ensures that contributions are equitable and reflect individual circumstances. The investment is unique, and membership is a lifetime membership.

Upper Land Infrastructure:

As part of the DAO’s offerings, participants have the opportunity to access and utilize the Upper Land infrastructure throughout the year. The DAO retains the right to grant access to the Upper Land infrastructure at a fixed cost price of 10 euros per person per day. This enables individuals to benefit from the existing infrastructure while supporting the maintenance and sustainability of the facilities. It creates a space where participants can gather, collaborate, and engage in activities that align with the DAO’s principles of regenerative practices and community building.

Annual Festival and Village Creation:

The annual festival organized by Cyclical Village DAO serves as a transformative event, bringing together participants and visitors from diverse backgrounds to manifest a response to what is happening in the world and in our individual lives. Through artistic expression, workshops, and shared experiences, the festival fosters personal growth, cultural exchange, and collective empowerment. It acts as a stepping stone toward the creation of a sustainable village through land regeneration, such as planting and the creation of infrastructure.

Education, Retreats, and Events:

Cyclical Village DAO’s land functions during the rest of the year as an educational sanctuary, hosting programs, retreats, and events. Participants engage in transformative experiences, learn regenerative practices, and deepen their understanding of ecological and personal stewardship. These educational initiatives also extend to the local and global community, serving as platforms for cultural exchange and fostering a sense of interconnectedness.

Holistic Stewardship and Regenerative Practices: As custodians of the land, Cyclical Village DAO embraces holistic stewardship and regenerative practices. The land and infrastructure are managed throughout the year by a small group of stewards living in the valley who are part of a cooperative (COOP). The COOP operates on a sociocratic basis, ensuring inclusive decision-making and responsible land management.

Welcome to Cyclical Village DAO, where trust and holistic community intertwine. Through

Land stewardship

Social technologies / April 11, 2023

This documentation aims to demonstrate how Spiral Dynamics was employed as a map for the development of the Cyclical Village. Through years of observing human patterns, needs, and pathways, we recognised the value of this study and model in structuring the territory for our…